
/*    The Program that displays the process of GA  */
/*    by K. Tatsumi 2005.4.1                                   */
//  gcc gant.c -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -I/usr/X11R6/include
//  2005/4/28 K.Tatsumi


#define SCALE 30  // the maximum unit size in the coordinate axis
#define ORG 5     // the origin of the chart

int max_fit=80;
int min_fit=20;

Display *gDisp;
int gScreen;
Font gFont;
XEvent gEv;

//  Attributes of GC
XSetWindowAttributes gGcAtt;

// base GC
GC gGc;

// Select Color
unsigned long XW_RGB( int r, int g, int b )
  Colormap cmap;
  XColor   col;

  cmap = DefaultColormap( gDisp, 0 );   = 256 * r; = 256 * g;  = 256 * b;
  XAllocColor( gDisp, cmap, &col );
  return  col.pixel ;

void XW_SetColor( int r, int g, int b )
  XSetForeground( gDisp, gGc, XW_RGB( r, g, b) );

// Open window
void XW_EndXWindow( Window gWin)
  XFreeGC( gDisp, gGc );
  XDestroyWindow( gDisp, gWin );

void XW_Text( Window gWin,char *str, int x, int y )
  XDrawString( gDisp, gWin, gGc, x, y, str, strlen(str) );

void XW_Line( Window gWin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
  XSetLineAttributes( gDisp, gGc, 1, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound );
  XDrawLine( gDisp, gWin, gGc, x1, y1, x2, y2 );

void XW_BoxFill(Window gWin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
  XSetLineAttributes( gDisp, gGc, 1, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound );
  XFillRectangle( gDisp, gWin, gGc, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1 );  

int displayGA(){
  int ds_pop;
  int gx=8;
  int gy=8;
  int *ds_fitness, x, y;
  char string[10];
  Window gWin;
  Pixmap gPmap;
  KeySym key;
  int gf_y, gf_x;
  int offsety = 20;
  int offsetx = ORG;
  int t =1;

  ds_pop = gx * gy;
  gf_x = (SCALE)*gx+ORG+offsetx;
  gf_y = (SCALE)*gy+ORG+offsety;
  ds_fitness=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*gx*gy);

  for(x=0; x<gx; x++){
    for(y=0; y<gy; y++){
      *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y)=(int)((rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*(max_fit - min_fit -10 )) + min_fit +10;
      printf("%d ", *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y));

  gDisp = XOpenDisplay( NULL );  /* X$B%5!<%P$K@\B3$9$k(B */
  gScreen = DefaultScreen( gDisp );  /* $B%9%/%j!<%s@_Dj(B */
  gWin = XCreateSimpleWindow(   /* $B%&%#%s%I%&$r3+$/(B */
                                gDisp,                      /* X$B%5!<%P(B */
                                RootWindow(gDisp,gScreen),   /* $B?F%&%#%s%I%&(B */
                                0, 0,                     /* $BI=<(;~$N:8>e6y$N:BI8(B x, y */
                                gf_x, gf_y, /* $B%&%#%s%I%&$NI}$H9b$5(B */ 
                                //			     gdata.height, wide, /* $B%&%#%s%I%&$NI}$H9b$5(B */ 
                                1, BlackPixel(gDisp,gScreen),/* $B%\!<%@!<$NI}$H?'(B */
                                WhitePixel(gDisp,gScreen)    /* $B%&%#%s%I%&$NGX7J?'(B */
  gPmap = XCreatePixmap(gDisp, gWin, gf_x,  gf_x,
                        DefaultDepth(gDisp, 0));
  XSetStandardProperties(gDisp, gWin, "Gantt chart -- After GA", "CanttChart -- After GA",
                         None, NULL, 0, NULL);
  XSelectInput( gDisp, gWin, ExposureMask  |
                KeyPressMask );
  XMapWindow( gDisp, gWin );  /* $B%&%#%s%I%&$N%^%C%T%s%0(B */
  //  XW_initWin(gWin, (gdata.x_size)+(offset), all_y*(SCALE));
  gGc = DefaultGC( gDisp, gScreen ); /* $B%0%i%U%#%C%/%3%s%F%-%9%H$N@_Dj(B */
  XSetForeground( gDisp, gGc, BlackPixel(gDisp,gScreen) ); /* $BIA2h?'@_Dj(B */
  XSetBackground( gDisp, gGc, WhitePixel(gDisp,gScreen));
  while( 1 ){
    XNextEvent( gDisp, &gEv );
    switch( gEv.type ){
    case Expose:
      XW_SetColor( 255,255,255 ); // $BGr?'(B
      XW_BoxFill( gPmap, 0,  0, gf_x, gf_y);

      for(x=0; x<gx; x++){
        for(y=0; y<gy; y++){
          *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y)=(int)((rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*((100 - t) + max_fit - min_fit -10 )) + min_fit +10 -100 +t;
          printf("%d ", *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y));
      XW_SetColor( 0, 0, 0 ); // $BGr?'(B
      show_ftnss(gPmap, ds_fitness, gx, gy, t);
      sprintf(string, "gene = %d", t);
      XW_Text( gWin, string, (gf_x)/2 -30, (gf_y - 5));
      // Drawing the chart
//      Draw_axes(gPmap, &pb_size, &gdata, k);
//      show_description(gPmap, color, &gdata, pb_size.j_num);
      XCopyArea(gDisp, gPmap, gWin, gGc, 0, 0, gf_x, gf_y, 0, 0);
    case KeyPress:
      XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)&gEv, string, sizeof(string), &key, NULL);
      if ( string[0] == 'q' ){
        goto FINISH;
      if ( string[0] == 'n' ){
        XW_SetColor( 255,255,255 ); // $BGr?'(B
        XW_BoxFill( gPmap, 0,  0, gf_x, gf_y);
        /*  $B$3$3$G%i%s%@%`$K!!(B36$B8D(Bds_ftnss $B$rM?$($F$$$k!!(B*/
        for(x=0; x<gx; x++){
          for(y=0; y<gy; y++){
            *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y)=(int)((rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*((100 - t) + max_fit - min_fit -10 )) + min_fit +10 -100 +t;
            printf("%d ", *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y));
        /* $B$3$3$^$G!!(B*/

        XW_SetColor( 255, 0, 0 ); // $BGr?'(B
        show_ftnss(gPmap, ds_fitness, gx, gy, t);
        sprintf(string, "gene = %d", t);
        XW_Text( gWin, string, (gf_x)/2, (gf_y - 5));

        XCopyArea(gDisp, gPmap, gWin, gGc, 0, 0, gf_x, gf_y, 0, 0);
  XW_EndXWindow(gWin); // End of Drawing
  return 0;

int show_ftnss(Window gWin, int *ds_fitness, int gx, int gy, int t){
  int x, y;
  char strg[10];
  for(x=0; x<gx; x++){
    for(y=0; y<gy; y++){
      XW_SetColor( (int)(255*((*(ds_fitness+gx*x+y) - min_fit)/(double)(max_fit - min_fit))),//
                   (int)(255*((*(ds_fitness+gx*x+y) - min_fit)/(double)(max_fit - min_fit))),//
                   (int)(255*((max_fit - *(ds_fitness+gx*x+y) + min_fit)/(double)(max_fit - min_fit))));
      XW_BoxFill( gWin, ORG+ x*(SCALE), ORG + y*(SCALE), //
                  (ORG)+ (x+1)*(SCALE), ORG + (y+1)*(SCALE));
      printf("|%d%d|", x, y);
      XW_SetColor( 255,255,255 ); // $BGr?'(B
      sprintf(strg, "%d", *(ds_fitness+x*gx+y));
      XW_Text( gWin, strg, ORG+(x+0.4)*(SCALE), (y+0.4)*(SCALE)+(ORG));

  return 0;
